1. Fotosensibilidad. G.Serrano, J. Bonillo, E. Barbera, A. Aliaga. Pharmacia Mediterranea XIII: 183-191, 1980.
  2. Perforating granuloma annulare and vitamin D. A. Aliaga, G.Serrano, J. De la Cuadra, J.M. Fortea. Derrnatologica 164: 62-66,1982.
  3. Perforating granuloma annulare and vitamin D.A. Aliaga, G. Serrano. J. De la Cuadra. J.M. Fortea. Dermatology Digest. February, pag.12, 1983.
  4. Multicentric Reticulohistiocytosis. C. Guillen, J.M. fortea, G. Serrano, M.A. Martorell, E. Cogollos, V. Alegre, A. Aliaga. Dermatologica 169:311-317.1984.
  1. Basal cell tumor with eccrine differentiation (eccrine epithelioma). G. Serrano, A. Aliaga, J. Bonillo, C. Pelufo, D. Otero. Journal Cut Pathol 6: 553-557, 1984.
  2. Candidiasis in parenteral heroin users: Clinicopathologic findings. J. de la Cuadra, J.L. Sanchez Carazo, G. Serrano, A. Aliaga. Arch Dennatol 120:1609-1610, 1984. G. Serrano, J. Bonillo, A. Aliaga, E. Gargallo, C. Pelufo. J Am Acad Dermatol 1113-120, 1984.
  3. Piroxicam induced photosensitivity. G. Serrano. J Ain Acad Dermatol 2: 373-374, 1985 (letter to editor).
  4. Perinatal gangrene of the buttock: A spontaneous condition. G. Serrano, A. Aliaga, I. Febrer, J.Bonillo, C. Pelufo, D. Otero. Arch Dermatol 121: 23-24, 1935.
  5. Photodistribution of varicella exanthem: Report of two cases. G. Serrano; A. Aliaga, J. Bonillo, C. Pelufo, D. Otero. Pediatric Dermatology 3: 215-218,1956.
  6. Photosensitivity to musk ambrette in Spain. G. Serrano, A. Aliaga, J. De la Cuadra, 1. Planclls, M. Lorente, J. Bonillo. Photodermatology 3:186-188.1986.
  7. Photosensitivity associated with triflusal (Disgren). G. Serrano, A. Aliaga, 1. Planells. Photodermatology 4:103-1052 1986.
  8. Reactive Perforating Collagenosis resposive to PUVA. Int J Dermatol 1988; 27:118-119, 1988.
  9. Riehl’s melanosis. Pigmented contact dermatitis caused by fragrances. Serrano G; Pujol C, Cuadra J. et al. J Am Acad Dermatol 1989; 21: 1057-1060.
  1. Piroxicam-induced photosensitivity and contact sensitivity to thiosalicylic acid. Serrano G, Bonillo J, Aliaga A et al. J Am Acad Dermatol 1990; 23: 479-483.
  2. Dacarbazine-induced photosensitivity. Serrano G, Aliaga A, Febrer 1, et al. Photodermatology 1989; 6:140-141.
  3. Can piroxicam photodenwtitis be avoided? J. Cuadra, G. Serrano. J. Pujol et al. Dermatology in Europe, Florencia, Italia, 25 al 28 de septiembre de 1989. Págs. 747-749.
  4. Acantoma de la vaina pilosa. Vilata J.J., Serrano G., Evole Met al. Med Cut I.L.A.1990; XViJI: 374-377.
  5. Photodegradation of Piroxicam under aerobic conditions. The photochemical keys of the piroxicam Enigma. J Photochem Photobiol 1991 8: 199-201.
  6. Lesiones cutáneas elementales y exploración de la piel. G.Serrano, M. Rodríguez, J.M. Fortea. Medicine 1991; 88: 3411-3420.
  7. Aspectos dermatológicos de la fotobiología. G. Serrano, J.L. Sanchez Carazo, M Grau Massanes. Medicine 1991; 88: 3429-3442.
  8. Photosensitivity induced by fibric acid derivatives. Dermatology. Progress & Perspectives.
  9. Theproceedings of the 18th World Congress of Dermatology. G. Serrano, J. Fortea, F. Millan. V. Sabater, A. Aliaga. Nueva York, Junio12-18,1992. Poster presentation. Pag.1247.
  10. Contact allergy from acne creams. Dermatology. Progress & Perspectives. The proceedings of the 18 th World Congress of Dermatology. G. Serrano. J. Fortea, F. Millan, M. Latasa. A Aliaga. Nueva York, Junio 12-18, 1992. Poster presentation. Pag.1246-1247.
  11. A case of disseminated cutaneous pseudolymphoma. Dermatology. Progress & Perspectives. The proceedings of the 18 th World Congresss of Dermatology. G. Serrano. J. Fortea, F. Millan, V. Sabater, A. Aliaga. Nueva York, Junio 12-18, 1992. Poster presentation, pag. 1219.
  12. Contact and photocontact derintitis to dicloran in orange workers. Dermatology. Progress & Perspectives. The proceedings of the 18th World Congress of Dermatology. G. Serrano, J.
  13. Fortea, F. Millan, V. Sabater. A. Aliaga. Nueva York, Junio 12-18, 1 992. Poster presentation.
  14. Photosensitivity induced by fibric acid derivatives and its relation to photocontact dermtitis to ketoprofen. G. Serrano, J.M. Fortea, J.M. Latasa, F. Millan, C. Janes, F. Bosca. J Am. Acad Dermatol 1992; 27: 204-208.
  1. Contact allergy to resorcinol in acne medications: Report of three cases. G. Serrano, J.M. Fortea. F.Millan, R. Botella, J.M. Latasa. J Am Acad Dermatol 992; 26:02-504.
  2. Oxicam-induced photosensitivity. Patch and photopatch testing studies with tenoxicam and iroxicam photoproducts in normal subjects and in piroxicam-droxicatn photosensitive patients. G. Serrano. J.M. Fortea, J.M. Latasa, 0. SanMartin, J. Bonillo, M.A. Miranda. J. Am Acad Dermatol 1992; 26: 545-548.
  3. Topical progesterone as treatment of choice in genital lichen sclerous and atrophicus in children. Journal of Pediatric Dermatology 1993; 10: 2.
  4. Oxicam-induced photosensitivity New aspects. Serrano G. Focus on Therapy, 1 993; 3:76-82.
  5. Trichorhynophalangeal syndrome. N1. Rodriguez. G. Serrano, A. Perez, A. Aliaga. Pediatric Dermatology 1993.
  6. Liposomal Lactoferrin as Potential Preventative and Cure for COVID-19. Authors:Gabriel Serrano, Iulia Kochergina, Arturo Albors, Eva Diaz, Mar Oroval, Guillen Hueso, and Juan M Serrano. International Journal of Research in Health Sciences,2020,8,1,8-15.
  7. Liposomal Lactoferrin Effect in Preventing SARS-CoV-2 Binding in HACAT Keratinocytes. Authors:Gabriel Serrano, José Luis Mullor, Ana V Sanchez, Iulia Kochergina, Arturo Albors, Juan M Serrano, Guillen Hueso, Mar Oroval, Silvia Mir, Irene Mor, and Eva Martí. International Journal of Research in Health Sciences,2020,8,2,16-21.
  8. Oral Liposomal Lactoferrin in Healthy Volunteers Activates Leukocyte Gene Expression for Lactotransferrin, Angiotensinogen, and Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor Increasing Innate Immunity Against SARS-CoV2 Infection. Gabriel Serrano, Iulia Kochergina, Arturo Albors, Juan M Serrano, Guillen Hueso, Mar Oroval, Silvia Mir, Irene Mor, and Eva Martí. Gnoscience Group, 2020,8.

Liposomal Lactoferrin as Potential Preventative and Cure for COVID-19

  1. Liposomal Lactoferrin Effect in Preventing SARS-CoV-2 Binding in HACAT Keratinocytes
  2. Age and Location in Severity of COVID‐19 Pathology: Do Lactoferrin and Pneumococcal Vaccination Explain Low Infant Mortality and Regional Differences?
  3. Hospital pharmacist challenges in evaluation of scientific evidence and its incorporation to pharmacotherapeutic protocols through therapeutic committees in COVID-19 times
  4. Lactoferrin from Bovine Milk: A Protective Companion for Life
  5. Nasal disinfection for the prevention and control of COVID-19: A scoping review on potential chemo-preventive agents
  6. In Vitro Inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 Infection by Bovine Lactoferrin
  7. Can lactoferrin boost human immunity against COVID-19?
  8. Oral Liposomal Lactoferrin in Healthy Volunteers Activates Leukocyte Gene Expression for Lactotransferrin, Angiotensinogen, and Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor Increasing Innate Immunity Against SARS-CoV2 Infection
  9. Lecithin as a putative biodegradable blocker of SARS-CoV-2
  10. Peer-reviewed literature answers 3 questions about COVID-19 and conjunctivitis
  11. The potential of lactoferrin, ovotransferrin and lysozyme as antiviral and immune-modulating agents in COVID-19
  12. Lactoferrin as potential preventative and adjunct treatment for COVID-19
  13. Molecular mechanisms behind anti SARS-CoV-2 action of lactoferrin
  14. A Simplified Approach to COVID-19 Disease in Adult Patients for General Practitioners
  15. REFLECTIONS ON THE PANDEMIC in the Future of the World
  16. The role of androgens in COVID-19
  17. Clinical Impact Potential of Supplemental Nutrients as Adjuncts of Therapy in High-Risk COVID-19 for Obese Patients
  18. Lactoferrin and Its Derived Peptides: An Alternative for Combating Virulence Mechanisms Developed by Pathogens
  19. Food Safety and Food Resources in the Post-COVID-19 World
  20. Liposomal Lactoferrin and Liposomal Lactoferrin plus Zinc Induces Antiinflammatory and Immunomodulatory Effects by Activation of IFNγ
  21. Protective Action of L. salivarius SGL03 and Lactoferrin against COVID-19 Infections in Human Nasopharynx
  1. Protective Effects of Lactoferrin against SARS-CoV-2 Infection In Vitro
  2. Bovine colostrum: benefits for the human respiratory system and potential contributions for clinical management of COVID-19
  3. Dietary and Protective Factors to Halt or Mitigate Progression of Autoimmunity, COVID-19 and Its Associated Metabolic Diseases
  4. The Immunological Role of the Placenta in SARS-CoV-2 Infection—Viral Transmission, Immune Regulation, and Lactoferrin Activity
  5. Biological Cloth Face Coverings—The Reduction of SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza (H1N1) Infectivity by Viruferrin™ Treatment
  6. Breast Milk and COVID-19: From Conventional Data to “Omics” Technologies to Investigate Changes Occurring in SARS-CoV-2 Positive Mothers
  7. Emerging Advances of Nanotechnology in Drug and Vaccine Delivery against Viral Associated Respiratory Infectious Diseases (VARID)
  8. The Molecular Basis of COVID-19 Pathogenesis, Conventional and Nanomedicine Therapy
  9. Gastro-Protective Effect of Lactoferrin Purified From Cheese Whey and Marjoram Tea Against IndomethacinInduced Gastric Ulcers
  10. Natural resources to control COVID-19: could lactoferrin amend SARS-CoV-2 infectivity?
  11. Can nutraceuticals assist treatment and improve covid-19 symptoms?
  12. The potential for Lactoferrin to reduce SARS-CoV-2 induced cytokine storm
  13. Clinical aspects of the use of lactoferrin in dentistry
  14. Lactoferrin: an overview of its main functions, immunomodulatory and antimicrobial role, and clinical significance
  15. Trace Minerals, Vitamins and Nutraceuticals in Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19
  16. The Nanotechnology-COVID-19 Interface
  17. Characteristic Features of Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic: Attention to the Management and Control in Egypt
  18. The Prospect of Lactoferrin Use as Adjunctive Agent in Management of SARS-CoV-2 Patients: A Randomized Pilot Study
  19. The effects of orally administered lactoferrin in the prevention and management of viral infections: A systematic review
  20. Lactoferrin for Mental Health: Neuro-Redox Regulation and Neuroprotective Effects across the Blood-Brain Barrier with Special Reference to Neuro-COVID-19


1. Consideraciones al tratamiento de la escabiosis en la infancia y en el embarazo. G. Serrano, A Peruaa, M. Torres, B.M. Genaoui. Actas Dermosif3-4:105-108.1980.

2. Eritema Recidivante Anual: A propósito de dos casos. G. Serrano, J. Bonillo, E. Barbera a. E. Tovar. Actas Dermosif 5-6: 215-218, 1980.

3. Fotosensibilidad. UTEF 19: 22-27, 1980. G. Serrano, J. Bonillo, E. Barbera A, A. Aliaga.

4. Epitelioma Cuniculado. A. Aliaga, G. Serrano, J.M. Latasa, J. De la Cuadra. Actas Dermosif 5-6: 251-256.1981.

5. Granuloma anular elastolítico a células O.antes: Un concepto histopatológico amplio. G. Serrano, C.  Guillen, J .M, Latasa, M. Teruel Gaceta Dermatológica 3:197-201,198].

6. Granulomas anulares perforantes generalizados o tuberculide papulo-necrótica: Caso para diagnóstico. A. Aliaga, J. M. Fortea, G. Serrano, C. Guillen. Gaceta Dermatológica 3: 263-264,1981.

Doctor gabriel serrano
2020-09-16 gabriel serrano

7. Fístulas congénitas de labio inferior: Estudio dc 9 casos. G.Serrano, M. Teruel, E. Barbera, J.Bonillo, A. Aliaga. Gaceta Dermatológica 2:145-150,1982.

8. Quistes Vellosos Eruptivos. A. Aliaga, G. Serrano, J. De la Cuadra, J.M. Fortea, J. Bonillo. Actas dermosif 7-8: 257-262, 1982.

9. Dermatitis Actínica Crónica. Reticuloide Actínico con evolución a eczema fotosensitivo y ulterior retorno a reticuloide actínico. G. Serrano, J. Bonillo, E. Barbera, J. De la Cuadra, A. Aliaga.  Cut ILA 2:21-26, 1982.

10. Fototoxicidad y fotoalergia. G. Serrano. Actas Dermosif 11-12: 402-403,        1983.

11. Quistes vellosos eruptivos. G. Serrano, J. Bonillo. Actas Dermosif 74: 491-492,          1983.

12. Criocirugía en neoplasias cutáneas. G. Serrano, J. Bonillo, E. Gargallo. Actas Dermosif 11 12: 494-495,1983.

13. Pénfigo vulgar, eritema anular centrífugo y espongiosis a cosinófilos. G. Serrano, J. Bonillo. Actas Dermosif 11-12: 493-494,1983.

14. Dermatosis pustulosa subcomea y Puva. G. Serrano, J. Bonillo. Actas Dermosif 11-12: 492-493,1983.

15. Síndrome Oro-Facio-Digital. J. Bonillo, G. Serrano. Actas Dermosif 11-12: 495,          1983.

16. Granuloma anular perforante v vitamina D. G. Serrano, .1. Bonillo. Actas Dermosif 11-12: 495-496, 1983.

17. Dermatitis actínica crónica. G. Serrano, J. Bonilla, Actas Dermosif 11-12: 496-497, 1983

18. Fístulas congénitas de labia inferior. G. Serrano, J. Bonilla, C. Teruel, C. Pelufo. Actas Dermosif 11-12:497-498, 1983.

19. Eritema recidivante anual. G. Serrano, J. Bonillo, C. Pelufo. Actas Dermosi 11-12: 498-499, 1983.

20. Dermatosis pustulosa subcorneal tratada con Puva: Comunicación preliminar. G.Serrano, J. Bonilla. C. Guillen, A. Aliaga. Actas Dermosif 74: 39-44, 1983.

21. Pénfigo vulgar con aspecto clínico de eritema anular centrífugo e histología de espongiosis a eosinoilos. A. Aliaga, G. Serrano, C. Guillen, J. Bonillo, L. Revert. Actas Dermosif 7-8: 245-254, 1982.

22. Espiradenomas ecrinos congénitos. G. Serrano, J. Bonillo, A Aliaga, J.M. Fortea. Actas Dermosif 7-8: 227-230, 1982.

23. Dermatomiositis infantil. A propósito de un caso. J. Amor, G. Serrano, J.I. Carrasco, J. Sanz, P. Polo, D. Marmaneu. Boll Soc Val Derm Ped 6: 16-17, 1986.

24. Serrano G, Cano A, Perez A, Rodriguez M, et al. Peeling superficial con ácido glicólico neutralizado: un concepto nuevo de peeling. Dermocosmética Clínica 1993; 1: 243-54.

25. Serrano G, Lloret A, Tomas R et al. Melasma: nuevas perspectivas para un viejo problema. Dermocosmética Clínica 1996; 4: 207-218.

26. Serrano G, Loret A, Tomas R et al. Nuevos peelings con alfa-hidroxiácidos. Piel y Dermocosmética iberoamericana 1997; 1:26-46.

27. Serrano G, Lloret A, Kuek T, et al. Alfa-hidroxiácidos en dermatología. Piel y dermocosmética Iberoamericana 1997; 2: 22-36 Piroxicam induced photosensitivity: In vivo and in vitro studies of its photosensitizing potential.



Publicaciones del doctor Gabriel Serrano

Eczema in the geriatric patient. En: Medicina interna en el paciente geriátrico. (Autor: Fernando Martin Martin). Sanidad S.A. Ediciones, Madrid, 1989, Vol II. Section XIV, Pd.s. 58-64, 1959.

Allergic contact dermatitis from the insecticide Dichlorvos. En: Current Topics in Contact Dermatitis. Eds. Frosch PJ, Dooms-Goosens A, Lachapelle JM et al.; Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1989. Pages 298-303, 1989.

Can piroxicam photodennatitis be avoided? Dermatology in Europe, pages 7417-749. Proceedings of the 1″ Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology, Florence, Italy