- Fotosensibilidad. G.Serrano, J. Bonillo, E. Barbera, A. Aliaga. Pharmacia Mediterranea XIII: 183-191, 1980.
- Perforating granuloma annulare and vitamin D. A. Aliaga, G.Serrano, J. De la Cuadra, J.M. Fortea. Derrnatologica 164: 62-66,1982.
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- Multicentric Reticulohistiocytosis. C. Guillen, J.M. fortea, G. Serrano, M.A. Martorell, E. Cogollos, V. Alegre, A. Aliaga. Dermatologica 169:311-317.1984.

- Basal cell tumor with eccrine differentiation (eccrine epithelioma). G. Serrano, A. Aliaga, J. Bonillo, C. Pelufo, D. Otero. Journal Cut Pathol 6: 553-557, 1984.
- Candidiasis in parenteral heroin users: Clinicopathologic findings. J. de la Cuadra, J.L. Sanchez Carazo, G. Serrano, A. Aliaga. Arch Dennatol 120:1609-1610, 1984. G. Serrano, J. Bonillo, A. Aliaga, E. Gargallo, C. Pelufo. J Am Acad Dermatol 1113-120, 1984.
- Piroxicam induced photosensitivity. G. Serrano. J Ain Acad Dermatol 2: 373-374, 1985 (letter to editor).
- Perinatal gangrene of the buttock: A spontaneous condition. G. Serrano, A. Aliaga, I. Febrer, J.Bonillo, C. Pelufo, D. Otero. Arch Dermatol 121: 23-24, 1935.
- Photodistribution of varicella exanthem: Report of two cases. G. Serrano; A. Aliaga, J. Bonillo, C. Pelufo, D. Otero. Pediatric Dermatology 3: 215-218,1956.
- Photosensitivity to musk ambrette in Spain. G. Serrano, A. Aliaga, J. De la Cuadra, 1. Planclls, M. Lorente, J. Bonillo. Photodermatology 3:186-188.1986.
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- Reactive Perforating Collagenosis resposive to PUVA. Int J Dermatol 1988; 27:118-119, 1988.
- Riehl’s melanosis. Pigmented contact dermatitis caused by fragrances. Serrano G; Pujol C, Cuadra J. et al. J Am Acad Dermatol 1989; 21: 1057-1060.
- Piroxicam-induced photosensitivity and contact sensitivity to thiosalicylic acid. Serrano G, Bonillo J, Aliaga A et al. J Am Acad Dermatol 1990; 23: 479-483.
- Dacarbazine-induced photosensitivity. Serrano G, Aliaga A, Febrer 1, et al. Photodermatology 1989; 6:140-141.
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- Acantoma de la vaina pilosa. Vilata J.J., Serrano G., Evole Met al. Med Cut I.L.A.1990; XViJI: 374-377.
- Photodegradation of Piroxicam under aerobic conditions. The photochemical keys of the piroxicam Enigma. J Photochem Photobiol 1991 8: 199-201.
- Lesiones cutáneas elementales y exploración de la piel. G.Serrano, M. Rodríguez, J.M. Fortea. Medicine 1991; 88: 3411-3420.
- Aspectos dermatológicos de la fotobiología. G. Serrano, J.L. Sanchez Carazo, M Grau Massanes. Medicine 1991; 88: 3429-3442.
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- Theproceedings of the 18th World Congress of Dermatology. G. Serrano, J. Fortea, F. Millan. V. Sabater, A. Aliaga. Nueva York, Junio12-18,1992. Poster presentation. Pag.1247.
- Contact allergy from acne creams. Dermatology. Progress & Perspectives. The proceedings of the 18 th World Congress of Dermatology. G. Serrano. J. Fortea, F. Millan, M. Latasa. A Aliaga. Nueva York, Junio 12-18, 1992. Poster presentation. Pag.1246-1247.
- A case of disseminated cutaneous pseudolymphoma. Dermatology. Progress & Perspectives. The proceedings of the 18 th World Congresss of Dermatology. G. Serrano. J. Fortea, F. Millan, V. Sabater, A. Aliaga. Nueva York, Junio 12-18, 1992. Poster presentation, pag. 1219.
- Contact and photocontact derintitis to dicloran in orange workers. Dermatology. Progress & Perspectives. The proceedings of the 18th World Congress of Dermatology. G. Serrano, J.
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- Photosensitivity induced by fibric acid derivatives and its relation to photocontact dermtitis to ketoprofen. G. Serrano, J.M. Fortea, J.M. Latasa, F. Millan, C. Janes, F. Bosca. J Am. Acad Dermatol 1992; 27: 204-208.

- Contact allergy to resorcinol in acne medications: Report of three cases. G. Serrano, J.M. Fortea. F.Millan, R. Botella, J.M. Latasa. J Am Acad Dermatol 992; 26:02-504.
- Oxicam-induced photosensitivity. Patch and photopatch testing studies with tenoxicam and iroxicam photoproducts in normal subjects and in piroxicam-droxicatn photosensitive patients. G. Serrano. J.M. Fortea, J.M. Latasa, 0. SanMartin, J. Bonillo, M.A. Miranda. J. Am Acad Dermatol 1992; 26: 545-548.
- Topical progesterone as treatment of choice in genital lichen sclerous and atrophicus in children. Journal of Pediatric Dermatology 1993; 10: 2.
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- Liposomal Lactoferrin as Potential Preventative and Cure for COVID-19. Authors:Gabriel Serrano, Iulia Kochergina, Arturo Albors, Eva Diaz, Mar Oroval, Guillen Hueso, and Juan M Serrano. International Journal of Research in Health Sciences,2020,8,1,8-15.
- Liposomal Lactoferrin Effect in Preventing SARS-CoV-2 Binding in HACAT Keratinocytes. Authors:Gabriel Serrano, José Luis Mullor, Ana V Sanchez, Iulia Kochergina, Arturo Albors, Juan M Serrano, Guillen Hueso, Mar Oroval, Silvia Mir, Irene Mor, and Eva Martí. International Journal of Research in Health Sciences,2020,8,2,16-21.
- Oral Liposomal Lactoferrin in Healthy Volunteers Activates Leukocyte Gene Expression for Lactotransferrin, Angiotensinogen, and Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor Increasing Innate Immunity Against SARS-CoV2 Infection. Gabriel Serrano, Iulia Kochergina, Arturo Albors, Juan M Serrano, Guillen Hueso, Mar Oroval, Silvia Mir, Irene Mor, and Eva Martí. Gnoscience Group, 2020,8.

Liposomal Lactoferrin as Potential Preventative and Cure for COVID-19
- Liposomal Lactoferrin Effect in Preventing SARS-CoV-2 Binding in HACAT Keratinocytes
- Age and Location in Severity of COVID‐19 Pathology: Do Lactoferrin and Pneumococcal Vaccination Explain Low Infant Mortality and Regional Differences?
- Hospital pharmacist challenges in evaluation of scientific evidence and its incorporation to pharmacotherapeutic protocols through therapeutic committees in COVID-19 times
- Lactoferrin from Bovine Milk: A Protective Companion for Life
- Nasal disinfection for the prevention and control of COVID-19: A scoping review on potential chemo-preventive agents
- In Vitro Inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 Infection by Bovine Lactoferrin
- Can lactoferrin boost human immunity against COVID-19?
- Oral Liposomal Lactoferrin in Healthy Volunteers Activates Leukocyte Gene Expression for Lactotransferrin, Angiotensinogen, and Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor Increasing Innate Immunity Against SARS-CoV2 Infection
- Lecithin as a putative biodegradable blocker of SARS-CoV-2
- Peer-reviewed literature answers 3 questions about COVID-19 and conjunctivitis
- The potential of lactoferrin, ovotransferrin and lysozyme as antiviral and immune-modulating agents in COVID-19
- Lactoferrin as potential preventative and adjunct treatment for COVID-19
- Molecular mechanisms behind anti SARS-CoV-2 action of lactoferrin
- A Simplified Approach to COVID-19 Disease in Adult Patients for General Practitioners
- REFLECTIONS ON THE PANDEMIC in the Future of the World
- The role of androgens in COVID-19
- Clinical Impact Potential of Supplemental Nutrients as Adjuncts of Therapy in High-Risk COVID-19 for Obese Patients
- Lactoferrin and Its Derived Peptides: An Alternative for Combating Virulence Mechanisms Developed by Pathogens
- Food Safety and Food Resources in the Post-COVID-19 World
- Liposomal Lactoferrin and Liposomal Lactoferrin plus Zinc Induces Antiinflammatory and Immunomodulatory Effects by Activation of IFNγ
- Protective Action of L. salivarius SGL03 and Lactoferrin against COVID-19 Infections in Human Nasopharynx
- Protective Effects of Lactoferrin against SARS-CoV-2 Infection In Vitro
- Bovine colostrum: benefits for the human respiratory system and potential contributions for clinical management of COVID-19
- Dietary and Protective Factors to Halt or Mitigate Progression of Autoimmunity, COVID-19 and Its Associated Metabolic Diseases
- The Immunological Role of the Placenta in SARS-CoV-2 Infection—Viral Transmission, Immune Regulation, and Lactoferrin Activity
- Biological Cloth Face Coverings—The Reduction of SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza (H1N1) Infectivity by Viruferrin™ Treatment
- Breast Milk and COVID-19: From Conventional Data to “Omics” Technologies to Investigate Changes Occurring in SARS-CoV-2 Positive Mothers
- Emerging Advances of Nanotechnology in Drug and Vaccine Delivery against Viral Associated Respiratory Infectious Diseases (VARID)
- The Molecular Basis of COVID-19 Pathogenesis, Conventional and Nanomedicine Therapy
- Gastro-Protective Effect of Lactoferrin Purified From Cheese Whey and Marjoram Tea Against IndomethacinInduced Gastric Ulcers
- Natural resources to control COVID-19: could lactoferrin amend SARS-CoV-2 infectivity?
- Can nutraceuticals assist treatment and improve covid-19 symptoms?
- The potential for Lactoferrin to reduce SARS-CoV-2 induced cytokine storm
- Clinical aspects of the use of lactoferrin in dentistry
- Lactoferrin: an overview of its main functions, immunomodulatory and antimicrobial role, and clinical significance
- Trace Minerals, Vitamins and Nutraceuticals in Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19
- The Nanotechnology-COVID-19 Interface
- Characteristic Features of Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic: Attention to the Management and Control in Egypt
- The Prospect of Lactoferrin Use as Adjunctive Agent in Management of SARS-CoV-2 Patients: A Randomized Pilot Study
- The effects of orally administered lactoferrin in the prevention and management of viral infections: A systematic review
- Lactoferrin for Mental Health: Neuro-Redox Regulation and Neuroprotective Effects across the Blood-Brain Barrier with Special Reference to Neuro-COVID-19
1. Consideraciones al tratamiento de la escabiosis en la infancia y en el embarazo. G. Serrano, A Peruaa, M. Torres, B.M. Genaoui. Actas Dermosif3-4:105-108.1980.
2. Eritema Recidivante Anual: A propósito de dos casos. G. Serrano, J. Bonillo, E. Barbera a. E. Tovar. Actas Dermosif 5-6: 215-218, 1980.
3. Fotosensibilidad. UTEF 19: 22-27, 1980. G. Serrano, J. Bonillo, E. Barbera A, A. Aliaga.
4. Epitelioma Cuniculado. A. Aliaga, G. Serrano, J.M. Latasa, J. De la Cuadra. Actas Dermosif 5-6: 251-256.1981.
5. Granuloma anular elastolítico a células O.antes: Un concepto histopatológico amplio. G. Serrano, C. Guillen, J .M, Latasa, M. Teruel Gaceta Dermatológica 3:197-201,198].
6. Granulomas anulares perforantes generalizados o tuberculide papulo-necrótica: Caso para diagnóstico. A. Aliaga, J. M. Fortea, G. Serrano, C. Guillen. Gaceta Dermatológica 3: 263-264,1981.

7. Fístulas congénitas de labio inferior: Estudio dc 9 casos. G.Serrano, M. Teruel, E. Barbera, J.Bonillo, A. Aliaga. Gaceta Dermatológica 2:145-150,1982.
8. Quistes Vellosos Eruptivos. A. Aliaga, G. Serrano, J. De la Cuadra, J.M. Fortea, J. Bonillo. Actas dermosif 7-8: 257-262, 1982.
9. Dermatitis Actínica Crónica. Reticuloide Actínico con evolución a eczema fotosensitivo y ulterior retorno a reticuloide actínico. G. Serrano, J. Bonillo, E. Barbera, J. De la Cuadra, A. Aliaga. Cut ILA 2:21-26, 1982.
10. Fototoxicidad y fotoalergia. G. Serrano. Actas Dermosif 11-12: 402-403, 1983.
11. Quistes vellosos eruptivos. G. Serrano, J. Bonillo. Actas Dermosif 74: 491-492, 1983.
12. Criocirugía en neoplasias cutáneas. G. Serrano, J. Bonillo, E. Gargallo. Actas Dermosif 11 12: 494-495,1983.
13. Pénfigo vulgar, eritema anular centrífugo y espongiosis a cosinófilos. G. Serrano, J. Bonillo. Actas Dermosif 11-12: 493-494,1983.
14. Dermatosis pustulosa subcomea y Puva. G. Serrano, J. Bonillo. Actas Dermosif 11-12: 492-493,1983.
15. Síndrome Oro-Facio-Digital. J. Bonillo, G. Serrano. Actas Dermosif 11-12: 495, 1983.
16. Granuloma anular perforante v vitamina D. G. Serrano, .1. Bonillo. Actas Dermosif 11-12: 495-496, 1983.
17. Dermatitis actínica crónica. G. Serrano, J. Bonilla, Actas Dermosif 11-12: 496-497, 1983
18. Fístulas congénitas de labia inferior. G. Serrano, J. Bonilla, C. Teruel, C. Pelufo. Actas Dermosif 11-12:497-498, 1983.
19. Eritema recidivante anual. G. Serrano, J. Bonillo, C. Pelufo. Actas Dermosi 11-12: 498-499, 1983.
20. Dermatosis pustulosa subcorneal tratada con Puva: Comunicación preliminar. G.Serrano, J. Bonilla. C. Guillen, A. Aliaga. Actas Dermosif 74: 39-44, 1983.
21. Pénfigo vulgar con aspecto clínico de eritema anular centrífugo e histología de espongiosis a eosinoilos. A. Aliaga, G. Serrano, C. Guillen, J. Bonillo, L. Revert. Actas Dermosif 7-8: 245-254, 1982.
22. Espiradenomas ecrinos congénitos. G. Serrano, J. Bonillo, A Aliaga, J.M. Fortea. Actas Dermosif 7-8: 227-230, 1982.
23. Dermatomiositis infantil. A propósito de un caso. J. Amor, G. Serrano, J.I. Carrasco, J. Sanz, P. Polo, D. Marmaneu. Boll Soc Val Derm Ped 6: 16-17, 1986.
24. Serrano G, Cano A, Perez A, Rodriguez M, et al. Peeling superficial con ácido glicólico neutralizado: un concepto nuevo de peeling. Dermocosmética Clínica 1993; 1: 243-54.
25. Serrano G, Lloret A, Tomas R et al. Melasma: nuevas perspectivas para un viejo problema. Dermocosmética Clínica 1996; 4: 207-218.
26. Serrano G, Loret A, Tomas R et al. Nuevos peelings con alfa-hidroxiácidos. Piel y Dermocosmética iberoamericana 1997; 1:26-46.
27. Serrano G, Lloret A, Kuek T, et al. Alfa-hidroxiácidos en dermatología. Piel y dermocosmética Iberoamericana 1997; 2: 22-36 Piroxicam induced photosensitivity: In vivo and in vitro studies of its photosensitizing potential.


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